Monday, August 4, 2014

Ludus Regnorum

Sorry it's been so long since I posted anything new on here. I'm not in any classes these days and am thus not inspired to draw any new comics by active readings. I fear this is fated to be yet another failed blog of mine. 

But for now, here are the sigils of the great houses of Westeros (from George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series--televised by HBO as Game of Thrones) with my Latin renderings of their words.

 Martell : Unbent, Unbowed, Unbroken 
Targaryen : Fire and Blood
Tully : Family, Duty, Honor

 Arryn : As High As Honor
Tyrell : Growing Strong
Lannister : Hear Me Roar

Stark : Winter Is Coming
Greyjoy : We Do Not Sow

Of course, I forgot House Baratheon : Ours Is The Fury ("Furia Nostra Est"). Martell was the toughest, I think. It was hard to recreate that "Un-, Un-, Un-" trifecta, especially since "Inflectus" would do for both "Unbent" and "Unbowed."

Anyway, that's out there now. 

Westeros, Game of Thrones, and all associated names, places, and events are (C) George R.R. Martin

Friday, May 2, 2014

Nice Day for a Squirm

It's been a long time since I posted a new comic to this blog/webcomic thing. This one is kind of out of step with the others, but really the blog is for all sorts of cartoon. I just wanted to post something so you'll know I'm not dead. I haven't been enrolled in any classes this past semester, so I haven't had a lot of inspiration or access to black/white boards.

Something I thought up after seeing all the worms out on the sidewalks during a heavy rain. 

I could add this one too, I suppose: 

Just 'cause.