Saturday, October 22, 2016

The Real Issues

The Real Issues
A political cartoon for the 2016 US Presidential Election. Se explicat. 
Share if you wish: Creative Commons 3.0 License - Attribution, No derivative works.

Single Issue Voters

Single Issue Voters
Another political cartoon for the 2016 US Presidential Election. A critique of single issue voters who vote Republican simply because that party panders to their pet issues like gun-owner rights and anti-abortion positions. Pay lip service to those issues and you can go on to talk about mass-deportations, nuclear war, scrapping NATO, and anything else you want without losing the votes of these groups. It's also a critique of spineless Republican politicians, represented here by House Speaker Paul Ryan, who won't speak out against Trump in hopes of riding his coat-tails to re-election. 
Share if you like: Creative Commons 3.0 License - Attribution, No Derivative Works.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Don't Do It!

A political cartoon for the 2016 US Presidential Election meant to sway conservative leaning voters away from voting for Donald Trump. His hardcore supporters won't listen, but some who vote conservative just by default but aren't really committed might. 

Feel free to share.
Some rights reserved. Creative Commons Attribution - No Derivative Works 3.0 License.