Tuesday, January 24, 2017

An Unworthy Addition

An Unworthy Addition
Well, the unthinkable has happened. The worst possible candidate has become President of the United States. I refuse to use his name and the title "President" in close proximity of each other. Rather, I'll call him the "Anti-POTUS," as he occupies the office but doesn't really belong there. 
Here's some of our greatest presidents, though not perfect individuals, showing their dismay or outrage at what has succeeded them. Clockwise from the top: George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Drumpf, Franklin Roosevelt, and Thomas Jefferson. 

I try to remain defiantly optimistic, but I'm not sure there's much hope for the future. It's not so much that Trump is in office that upsets me, as the fact that a large portion of the population sees no problem with that or what he is doing already.