Bird: "Don't worry." (Lit. "Don't be suspended in the air.")
Jesus, first speech bubble: "Don't you worry about a thing because every little thing is going to be alright." (rough translation)
Jesus, second speech bubble: "Don't worry. Be Happy."
T-Shirt: "Verily I say to you"
RE: Matthew 6:25-34, Luke 12:22-32.
For Greek New Testament Today we read part of Luke, chapter 12, which itself strongly echoes Matthew. This is just my irreverent take on Christ's admonition not to worry about things like what you'll eat or drink or how you'll be clothed, but worry about doing God's will and all that will be provided to you. The sentiment seems not unlike those lyrics from a Bob Marley song.
Also, his t-shirt says "Verily I say to you" because that seems to be Jesus' catch-phrase in a lot of the readings we've done--the kind of thing you'd put on a t-shirt.