Wednesday, March 27, 2013

So Long, and Thanks...

RE: Luke 24:28-53
Speech bubble: "Peace to you all and thank you for all the fish."
label: "Piece of baked fish."

Another New Testament comic. We read about the resurrection again this week and the ascension. No doubt this comic could be offensive... Let me explain: Jesus demonstrates to his disciples that he has returned in the flesh by asking them for something to eat. They give him some fish and he eats it in front of them to prove he's alive. Also, when he appears to all the disciples at first he says "Peace unto you" (probably a translation of Hebrew, "Shalom"?). And before he is taken up into heaven he holds up his hands and blesses them. I've combined all these things here.

I had to improvise the "Thank you" because we never learned how to say that in Ancient Greek. In Latin you say "gratias tibi ago," so I tried the Greek equivalent of that. I wasn't too far off. According to Woodhouse's English-Greek Dictionary, it should be "χαριν εχειν" or "χαριν ειδεναι" with a dative object. I said "χαριτα υμιν αγω." Close enough. *shrug* 

AMAPTIA: "χαριτα" is not the correct accusative singular of "χαρισ" (I can't figure out how to type a final sigma here.) It should be "χαριν." 

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