Tuesday, April 9, 2013

And a Year's Supply of Rice-a-Roni!

"Look at these Fabulous Prizes..."
RE: Vergil, Aeneid IX.263-274

This week in Augustan Literature we are reading Book IX of the Aeneid of Vergil which includes the tragic tale of Nisus and Euryalus, two lovers (both men), who volunteer to sneak past the Rutulian camp to bring Aeneas back to help the other besieged Trojans.

This comic refers to the passage in which Ascanius (aka "Iulus") promises all sorts of rich presents for them if they succeed and if the Trojans win the war. I thought of it like a game show. Funny thing is how he promises them things he doesn't have as well as what he does--like Turnus, the Rutulian king's, horse and armor. 

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