Sunday, February 10, 2013

Medea the Magician of the Metamorphoses

"Ta-Da! And now, I'll need a volunteer from the audience..."
Ovid, Metamorphoses VII.309-323

One of my many drawings from Ovid class last semester. Ovid tells the story of how Medea uses her sorcery to restore Aeson, Jason's father, to youth. She then, for unknown reasons, goes to the daughters of Pelias, also an aged man. She demonstrates to them her powers of rejuvenation by taking an old ram and restoring him to being a lamb. 

Impressed by this, the daughters of Pelias believe she will do the same thing to rejuvenate Pelias, but instead she merely gets them to kill him (killing the individual being treated was part of the spell) and then takes off. As it was Halloween I depicted that scene thus:

Metamorphoses, VII.331 ff. 

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