Saturday, February 9, 2013


Salvete, omnes. Welcome to my blog/web-comic. 

Allow me to introduce myself: My name is Benjamin F. Ossoff and I am a twenty-five year old Post-Baccalaureate Classics student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. I also received my Bachelor's Degree in History with an Ancient/Medieval concentration and an Archaeology Minor in 2010 from UNC. As such, I am studying and reading things in Greek and Latin or otherwise related to Ancient History a lot.

Because of my idiosyncracies, I tend to react to what I have been reading by drawing cartoons. Sometimes I do this on paper, but more often I use the medium available to me when I'm at school all day: the black/white-board. If I think what I drew was good enough to share I take a picture with my tablet gizmo and post it to facebook. 

But I want to expand my audience to see if there are more people out there who will appreciate my sense of humor. Hey! Maybe I can become rich and famous. Or maybe you can just have a good laugh. 

I am not going to commit myself to post new comics on a regular basis, but I will post things when I have something to post. That being said, I hope you will enjoy the cartoons I post on this blog and I welcome (polite and friendly) comments. Also, if you want to share these cartoons with your friends or colleagues, please do. All I want is to be credited as the author/"artist." Thanks and enjoy!

Warning: This Cartoon Makes No Sense. 

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